Germany’s overhaul far from complete after Spain demolition

Germany, planning to have an overhauled and tournament-ready team at next year’s European soccer championships, is running out of time, with coach Joachim Loew’s...

UN approves extra steps to curb shipping emissions

The United Nations shipping agency approved measures to boost energy efficiency in vessels as part of efforts to reduce the industry’s carbon footprint, a...

England’s Blakeney Nature Reserve: Record seal pup births predicted

A nature reserve in England is expecting a record-breaking baby boom of 4,000 grey seal pups this winter, the National Trust has said.

Indonesia’s tourism industry suffers more than $9.5b losses due to COVID-19 pandemic

Losses suffered by Indonesia's tourism industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic have exceeded Rp100 trillion ($9.5 billion), a business association said.

Overweight with arthritic knees? You might want to avoid tennis

Stay off the court: For overweight people with arthritic knees, racket sports like tennis and racquetball may accelerate degeneration of the joints, a new...

Bitcoin hits three-year high as investors jump in

Bitcoin, the world's best-known cryptocurrency, has jumped above $17,000 (£12,800) to hit a three-year high.

Meet the Emirati adventurer who traveled the world in record-breaking time

Meet Dr. Khawla AlRomaithi who managed to break the record for the fastest time to travel to all seven continents in just three days 14 hours...

New Zealand’s ‘Bird of the Year’ election tainted by voter fraud

New Zealand has discovered evidence of voter fraud in an important election — its annual 'Bird of the Year' campaign. Forest and Bird —...

Twitter launches disappearing tweets tool worldwide

Twitter launched a new feature worldwide called ‘fleets’: Tweets that disappear after 24 hours, similar to the stories feature on Snapchat and Instagram.

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