Syria repels Israeli warplanes’ missile barrage targeting Hama

Syria’s air defenses repelled a missile attack launched by Israeli warplanes from the Lebanese airspace against the western Syrian city of Hama’s countryside.

IME monthly trade exceeds $1.3b

Iran Mercantile Exchange (IME) announced that more than 2.7 million tons of commodities, valued at over $1.3 million, were traded in its domestic trading...

Pope: Faces of children in Syria, Iraq, Yemen should touch all consciences

Pope Francis in his Christmas message on Friday highlighted the plight of children caught up in war, singling out victims in Syria, Yemen and...

Iranian, Uzbek businessmen discuss trade ties

Deputy head of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA) for international affairs, Mohammadreza Karbasi, in an online meeting with Mukhtor Umarov,...

EU, UK clinch narrow Brexit trade deal

The European Union and the United Kingdom struck a trade deal after nine months of protracted negotiations and just days before the year-end deadline.

Boko Haram terrorists kill seven in Christmas Eve attack

Boko Haram terrorists killed at least seven people in a Christmas Eve assault on a village in Nigeria's restive northeast, local sources told AFP...

Should you skip breakfast to promote longevity?

How to live longer? The importance of eating breakfast has long been a sacred cow but research in recent years has challenged this orthodoxy.

150 House Democrats urge US president-elect to rejoin Iran nuclear deal

150 US House Democrats called on President-elect Joe Biden to rejoin the 2015 Iran nuclear deal in a move completely antithetical to outgoing President...

Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica begin mass vaccination

A Mexican nurse became the first person in Latin America to receive a coronavirus jab when her country began its vaccination program on Thursday.

Iran warns Trump against ‘adventurism’

Iran on Thursday warned the US president against any "adventurism" before leaving the White House, after Donald Trump said he would hold "Iran responsible"...

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