China says economic recovery ‘not yet solid’ after pandemic

China said its economy had yet to fully bounce back from the coronavirus pandemic and pledged financial support for recovery efforts at the end...

Fed finds big US banks in solid shape; keeps dividend limits

The US Federal Reserve has said that the 33 largest US banks are in strong shape despite the pandemic’s economic shock.

Study shows incorporating telemedicine helps surgical practices

A new study that records patient volume at Stony Brook Medicine’s Bariatric and Metabolic Weight Loss Center reveals that follow-up telehealth visits are highly...

Argentina seeking $5 Billion from multilateral banks for 2021

Shunned in global financial markets, Argentina is seeking about $5 billion for next year from multilateral organizations other than the International Monetary Fund as...

Give your family the gift of regular exercise

Physical activity could be the best gift to give your family this holiday season. And the American Heart Association (AHA) has some suggestions on...

Immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy tied to cardiac event risk

Immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) treatment is associated with increased cardiac events among patients with lung cancer and malignant melanoma, according to a study published...

How does brain project manage its learning?

The famous patient Henry Molaison (long known as H.M.) suffered damage to his hippocampus after a surgical attempt to cure his epilepsy. As a...

Tourism in Western Europe has been hit hard by COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a significant impact on international travel and tourism in Western Europe is no exception.

Norway urges EU to revise plan risking green status

The European Commission should simplify its proposed criteria for measuring the sustainability of hydropower projects to avoid harming the industry’s access to capital, the...

Sound waves spin droplets to concentrate, separate nanoparticles

Mechanical engineers at Duke University in the US have devised a method for spinning individual droplets of liquid to concentrate and separate nanoparticles for...

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