Extraordinary 580TB tapes could help accelerate demise of HDDs

IBM researchers and Fujifilm have teamed together to release a tape prototype with a capacity of 580TB (or 0.58PB).

Satellite uses SAR imagery to capture world’s sharpest images

A satellite carrying a camera that is so powerful it can capture an image of virtually any object on Earth with crystal-clear resolution is...

Pandemic made 2020 a wild year for Wall Street

Quincy Krosby, chief market strategist at Prudential Financial, does not hold back in describing 2020 on Wall Street: "A year of extreme extremes."

‘You will die in the forest’: Nigerian schoolboys describe kidnap ordeal

Annas Shuaibu said he awoke to the sound of gunshots fired by men who burst into his boarding school in northwest Nigeria in a...

Ten billionaires reap $400b boost to wealth during pandemic

Ten of the richest people in the world have boosted their already vast wealth by more than $400 billion (£296 billion) since the coronavirus...

New findings shed light on ancient Maya royal house in Mexico

New research identifies inscriptions found at Chichen Itza, Mexico, as referring to individuals belonging to the royal house of Cocom, a common surname to...

Costa Rican hybrid sailboat aims to reduce shipping industry’s carbon footprint

Some 200 workers from 27 nations are building a hybrid sailboat on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica designed to carry 350 tons of...

French study finds 5G increases risk to climate

France’s rollout of 5G technology could cause a large increase in carbon emissions, a report published by the Haut Conseil pour le Climat (HCC)...

Morocco welcomes tourists for Christmas, New Year’ vacations

Morocco is preparing to welcome tourists during the winter vacations as its tourism sector eyes a swift recovery.

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